- Sorry for neglecting this page but as you can tell I haven't been
doing too much updating here:(. There's been a lot going on lately,
but the short version is I'm still working for WeddingChannel.com,
but as of 3 weeks ago I moved up to Berkeley and I'm working in the
San Francisco office (formerly Della.com until we merged with them).
The move itself was an adventure, with my car dying in the middle of
nowhere 150 miles North of Los Angeles, and a lot of other weird
stuff going on. Looking for a good example of the type of things
I've been working on? Check out http://bloomingdales.weddingchannel.com.
That was the last big project I worked on in the L.A. office.
- Well, if you were wondering why I disappeared for the past couple
of months, I found a job! For the past couple of months I've
been working as an HTML programmer for WeddingChannel.com.
Now that I'm working I'm trying to catch up on things, but I let
things go for a long time, so it's going to be a while before I'm
totally caught up.
- I'm still not working, but I'm still getting interviews so
something should come up soon! Meanwhile I'm trying to catch up on
e-mail and reading for my class, and working on a redesign of this
web page. Hopefully after this I can get back to work on Rockers
In other news, I rescued an adorable little 3 month old tabby kitten
last weekend! Unfortunately, my roommate's cats are old and
sick (and one has heart problems:() so we couldn't let her in the
house, but the people at the Westchester Cat Adoption Faire (who do
adoptions sundays at the Westchester, CA Petco) were nice enough to
take her in and take care of her!
- 7/11/99
- Well, I left The Bank of New York about 2 weeks ago...to move to Los
Angeles! I'm living with someone I met on the Webgrrls L.A. mailing list and
her 2 cats, and trying to catch up on things like e-mail and my web page
while getting swamped with calls and e-mails about jobs:). I also
bought a car, passed the written test for my CA drivers license, drove to
San Diego and back twice, unpacked 30+ boxes, shopped, etc...... So, as you
can see, I've been very busy.
- 8/28/98
- I'm still at The Bank of New York, and still a temp, although things should probably be
straightened out within the next 3-4 weeks. Meanwhile, they want to extend my temp
contract until the end of the year, just to be sure.
- I was at Bucconeer and Powermad in the
past month, so things have been busy. Tomorrow night I'm going to see Symphony X's
first U.S. appearance in New York City. My next science fiction convention should be
Not Just Another Con in Amherst, MA,
Sept. 18-20.
- In other big news, it looks like Musicians Online will be getting a new name and a new
location at www.rockersonline.com! It's
not there yet, but I hope to work on it this weekend and get an updated version of the
site up.
- 7/29/98
- I've been working as a temp for The Bank of New York.
The job is probably going to go permanent at the end of August, so look for more news
then! I'm also looking for an apartment in NYC if this does come through, so if you know
of one within a short commute of the World Trade Center area, preferably under $800 a
month, let me know!
Next week I'll be at Bucconeer, the
Worldcon in Baltimore.
This past March I sold my first story, "A Late Night Snack" to an anthology of
short shorts coming out around the end of this year from Dark Raptor Press. I found out
recently that the anthology will be called Dark Rapture.